Tag Archives: modern political research

Reclaiming America’s Founders Leadership Principles



Reclaiming America’s Founders Leadership Principles


In order for us to better understand our current social and economic affairs it is essential that Americans review our Nation’s Founding Fathers leadership principles left to us in their writings. Many documents, including the US Constitution, were written from their personal experience with past history events and created for future generations to serve as a guide in which to define or frame the roles of man, government and society. The founders knew that man is not perfect or always noble, and that humanity would have a natural tendency towards greed, violence and sin.  As a new form of government was being established, unlike no other in history, it was important to help set a balanced social order that would be just and that placed restraints on the accumulation of power in any single authority, governing body or bureaucracy. The colonies and later States of the Union would have checks and balances between the three branches of government ruling over the people, the executive, judicial and legislative.  In history government had proven to be the chief instrument used for thwarting man’s liberty over time.  The legitimate functions of government were set to preserve freedom while maintaining internal order, administer justice, keep foreign foes at bay, etc., and help remove excessive obstacles to the free interchange of goods or innovative ideas.


    America made its greatest progress when our conservative sound leadership principles were honored and preserved.  For example, the ability to operate in a free-market (mutual consent between buyer and seller), to care for family, to worship freely, are all part of what has made America great.  Since man is not always noble or considerate towards the well-being of others, our country’s framers gave us the guide and instrument for limiting the power of government and it should be embraced for its value today as when it was written.  The guide or map left to us in essence says that man has rights that are fundamental to all humans and not ones created by outside laws or government.  Man has spiritual needs besides economic ones and both are intertwined. Political power should not interfere with man’s natural creation process and fundamental right to pursue his dreams, to be secured in his property, his life, liberty and happiness.

    It may not be fashionable today to lead conservatively in the midst of new attitudes, institutions, or new laws emerging, however, the proven social order principles left to us should still be part of our Leadership solutions.  In review let’s summarize some of these principles:


· Fiscal Responsibility

· Limited Government

· Freedom of Religion

· Respect for the family unit — power from the grass roots up not top down

· Sound economic policy — not one of economic leveling

· Strong and just National Defense

· Sound Public Education — one that prepares citizens for freedom (economic and political) and wisdom not one shackled by government, hidden agendas, or union power

· Sound Trade and Banking — not one inimical to the interests and well-being of the citizens of the United States

· Sound Foreign Policy — One of respect and not inimical to the interests and well-being of the citizens of the United States

· Just and balanced Political power-not one of political leveling

· Sound investments, care of infrastructure and entrepreneurship — not excess taxes and regulations that strangle growth

· Faith in Prescription — Providence and prudence with those who emerge wishing to reconstruct our society for future special interests out of convention or our custom.

· Sound policy for Entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare for our elders.


     Great segments of our population today still embrace and value the sound leadership principles that propelled forward our Nation. Citizens prefer ideas that value individual responsibility, fair competition, family, peace through strength not compromise, optimism, and rewards for hard work.  Positive responsible leadership helps uplift and exalt a nation, the individual, life and all segments of our society.


Please send us your ideas or suggestions in how our Nation could improve in its energy, health care, economy, education, or other policies for we will later have volunteers participate in study groups to discuss these issues and later publish our research results. Contact e-mail: info.rplc2010@gmail.com


In prosperity, wellness, and health we strive to provide responsible political leadership in Colorado.